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Blog Welcome to the Kent Florist blog, where Mikiko writes about Japanese culture and Brisbane life with flowers

<< Tea Ceremony
2013-08-24 at 12:40PM
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2013-09-17 at 22:42PM

The spirit of Martial Art

2013-08-26 at 11:37AM by Mikiko

Martial art is a sport in which the objective is not simply to defeat your opponent, but also to learn courtesy and train your own mind. It is important to shoe respect not only to your teachers, but also to your opponents. In fact, all Japanese martial arts starts and end with a courteous bow, never display a victory pose.

The famous sword master Miyamoto Musashi wrote in his book,  Five Rings,      The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Perseverance in training is essential. Be better today than you were yesterday, and then strive to become better still. Continue training so as to develop unwavering self-discipline.

Musashi’s philosophy is still very relevant in the world of martial art today, where emphasis is placed not just on technical refinement but also on the training of the mind.

In federal times in Europe, the heavy swords of knights were designed to hack with blow away from the swordsman. Western saws and planes all cut with a pushing movement. Meanwhile, the Japanese blades are designed to be used with a pulling movement, just like Katana. It is designed to slice with a pull towards the swordsman. It would seem that pulling is in Japanese DNA, and pushing is in western DNA


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<< Tea Ceremony
2013-08-24 at 12:40PM
Kimono >>
2013-09-17 at 22:42PM

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