Brisbane Florist - fresh or artificial flower arrangements for business or home display, events and weddings


Blog Welcome to the Kent Florist blog, where Mikiko writes about Japanese culture and Brisbane life with flowers

<< Harmony is the most important in Japan
2013-08-20 at 17:24PM
Tea Ceremony >>
2013-08-24 at 12:40PM

Ikebana : Japanese Art of Flower Arrangement.

2013-08-22 at 11:07AM by Mikiko

The first classical styles of Ikebana started in the middle of the fifteenth century; the first students and teachers of Ikebana were Buddhist priests and members.  

It is a time to appreciate things in nature that people often overlook because of their busy lives. One becomes more patient and tolerant of differences, not only in nature, but also in general. Ikebana can inspire one to identify with beauty in all art forms. This is also the time when one feels closeness to nature which provides relaxation for the mind, body, and soul.


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<< Harmony is the most important in Japan
2013-08-20 at 17:24PM
Tea Ceremony >>
2013-08-24 at 12:40PM

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